Season 5 - Patch Notes
A new season brings updates and changes. Below are the patch notes of all changes for Soccer Guru Season 5:
A new look to the claim command
This year we've taken the claim command to the next level. Each time you claim you will be given the opportunity to re-roll the card you received if you have a token. This will give you an entirely new card if you didn't like the first one. Each claim will allow you to re-roll once and requires a re-roll token.
When re-rolling a card - please note that it works like a completely new claim - so you may receive a better or worse card depending - once you have chose to re-roll you cannot go back and keep the original card, so use your re-rolls wisely.
Tokens will be available as a new reward from voting which replaces the coins granted in previous seasons, tokens will also be available later in the season as a purchase from the Discords built in store for apps meaning you will be able to exchange real money for tokens to use in game - more information will be available on this when it becomes available.
Your current number of tokens available will be visible on the cooldowns command underneath your claim cooldown timer.
There is no limit to the number of tokens you can hold at any time.
Voting reward adjustments
New vote reward tiers:
1 vote-streak = 1 re-roll token and 2 players
3 vote-streak = 1 re-roll token and 3 players
5 vote-streak = 2 re-roll tokens and 3 players
8 vote-streak = 2 re-roll tokens and 4 players
10+ vote-streak = 3 re-roll tokens and 5 players
Note: Exp gain from voting remains the same as previous seasons
A few years ago we disabled the ability for users to lose their vote streak - albeit at the time this was supposed to be only temporary we never re-enabled it, this year we have decided to re-enable the streak but in order to not make losing your streak so punishing each tier has been made easier to achieve and players will have 60 hours (2.5 days) after their last vote to maintain their streak where previously it was 24 hours (1 day). We hope this makes the new system rewarding for those most dedicated to playing while not causing the added stress of worrying about losing your votestreak.
Levelling adjustments
We have cut the rewards in half this year for each time you level up. Instead of the previous reward being (newLevel * 1000), it will now be (newLevel * 500). This has been done to help balance the economy and put more value in the decision making of players when they choose to spend their hard earned credits.
/11 command
We have given this command a little addition to show each players level alongside them on the teamsheet as well as some spruce up to our overall design which we hope you like. This means below each player you will now see the position (centrally), the number representing the on field location (used for swap) on the right - and the players level on the left.
Formation & Player positions
This year the positions LWB
and CF
have all been removed - so you won't see cards with this as their primary position. We considered adjusting formations or if players should be automatically granted these previous alternate positions but decided
to keep the integrity between season and all-time teams it was best to not adjust anything from the previous season. So our advice is for this year when building your season team for arena to avoid formations which include these positions as you don't want to have to spend credits adjusting a players position to meet chemistry requirements.