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Season 3 - Patch Notes

A new season brings updates and changes. Below are the patch notes of all changes for Soccer Guru Season 3:

Commands being moved exclusively to slash command

This is to utilize autocomplete and make the experience overall much easier for users: league country table topscorers h2h predict fixtures team

Chemistry for Out-of-Position Players

There is now a new check for “wildly positioned players” to deter users from playing Strikers at Centre-Back, CB as Left Wingers, etc. The ruling dictates that a player who is played outside of his positional category (defender, midfielder, etc) will always have a red glow and contribute 0 points towards the overall team chemistry.

Formation Updates

The 3-4-2-1 and 4-3-2-1 formations have been updated, removing the LF/RF positions in favor of CFs. Cross-generation teams using players with the now-removed LF/RF can be played anywhere in the front line without suffering a drop in positional chemistry. This is to prevent these cards from being made completely redundant.


Subscription billing has now been enabled. Current subscribers will not encounter any changes - Patrons will continue to be charged on the first of the month. New subscribers will be charged on the same date they sign up each month. Have questions about Premium? Feel free to ask us on the Support server.


We have a new logo! It may take some time for this new logo to appear in all the Servers users have the Bot in due to Discord caching. We hope you like it as we say goodbye to our old logo.

Soccer Guru's new logo

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